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Video: Flint and Environmental Racism

Environmental racism is a massive topic — and I’m only skimming the surface in this video. But the biggest thing I’ve taken away from the Flint water crisis is the power of activism. The citizens of Flint stood up and were heard. It took way too long – but has captured the nations attention and breathed… Read more »

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Video: New Year’s Resolutions, for the Environment

I’ve seen a lot of posts recently detailing all the little things a person can do for the environment — but, while those are great and all — we know the climate crisis is bigger than that. So here are 3 Environmental Resolutions that will actually make a difference: <iframe width=”853″ height=”480″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/ADhbYvPVNOc?rel=0&amp;controls=0&amp;showinfo=0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>… Read more »

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Video: Does climate change cause terrorism?

During the last Democratic Presidential debate, Bernie Sanders said “climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism. And if we do not get our act together and listen to what the scientists say, you’re going to see countries all over the world — this is what the CIA says — they’re going to be… Read more »

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Video: Sharks are freakin awesome!

So we should probably be protecting them. Sharks are incredibly important to our ocean ecosystems, plus, they are super cool. I know certain not-to-be-named-week-long television specials tend to give sharks a bad rap, but the senseless overfishing has gotta stop.   Sources: Compagno, Leonard J. V., Marc Dando, and Sarah L. Fowler. Sharks of the… Read more »

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Thoughts on Exxon Investigation & Obama’s KXL rejection

Friday was a Great Day for the U.S. climate movement. President Obama finally rejected the Keystone XL pipeline. If you’re not familiar, trust me when I say this is a monumentally big deal. Climate activists have been protesting and getting arrested for almost a decade while fighting this pipeline. But now that I’ve finished celebrating –… Read more »

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Video: Time to talk about coal

Did you know that we can pretty much blame climate change on mushrooms? Yeah, fungi might not have sorted out how to decompose tree bark 33 million years ago and let all that energy dense organic material get squished and highly pressurized underground until it turned into coal. And now the burning of coal is dumping SO… Read more »

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Video: #sHellNo

Shell is up to no good in the Arctic right at this very moment. Kayaktivists, climbers and netizens of the world have stood up in protest of Shell’s actions in the North. Now its your turn — spread the word and tell Shell, hell no drilling in the Arctic. And my final thoughts on the… Read more »

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Video: Why we should all be composting

I had the great fortune of attending VidCon this year, and while I was there I met the ever wonderful ItsRadishTime. Taylor and I also had a few moments to sit down and tell you all the reasons why we should all be composting. (Fair warning — some of the reasons are a little silly)…. Read more »