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Video: Does climate change cause terrorism?

During the last Democratic Presidential debate, Bernie Sanders said “climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism. And if we do not get our act together and listen to what the scientists say, you’re going to see countries all over the world — this is what the CIA says — they’re going to be… Read more »

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Video: #sHellNo

Shell is up to no good in the Arctic right at this very moment. Kayaktivists, climbers and netizens of the world have stood up in protest of Shell’s actions in the North. Now its your turn — spread the word and tell Shell, hell no drilling in the Arctic. And my final thoughts on the… Read more »

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Video: Fast Fashion blows — what can you do?

(Scroll down for some great sustainable alternatives to fast fashion!) Clothing is a big deal. We are far past the days when what you wore simply protected you from the elements. Now what you wear is a statement and a way of expressing your identity. This desire to reflect who we are in our style is… Read more »

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Video: Microbeads Suck, Use This Instead

In this video I try to explain all the environmental reasons why micro-beads are a really terrible thing* — which they are. So let’s stop throwing pounds of plastic into the oceans for no reason. Sound good? Good! But it turns out microbeads aren’t doing your skin (or teeth) much good either. This is trending… Read more »