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Surviving Halloween Sustainably

Green is the new Orange. Here’s the first post in our countdown to raging like environmentalists this Halloween.   Halloween is a beautiful holiday where you can express the strangest aspects of your personality and be celebrated. A holiday where you can dress as sexy as you want and still get severely slut shamed (a… Read more »

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Biodegradable plastic doesn’t work

In sucky environmental news biodegradeble plastic is pretty much a sham. A study (actually funded by the folks utilizing the plastic) found that it just flat out doesn’t work. Hank Green and the SciShow crew explain the study.

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The Keystone Pipeline

A decade long battle is finally coming to a close (hopefully). The House and Senate have both passed bills calling for the construction of the Keystone XL Tarsands Pipeline. This is bad for a whole lot of reasons — namely the Tarsands in Alberta, Canada are some of the largest, dirtiest stores of fossil fuel… Read more »