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How Does Climate Change Affect Pacific Worlds?

 This past week I visited the Pacific Worlds Exhibit at the Oakland Museum of California! If you’re local, definitely check it out. It runs into January of 2016 and it’s as cool as the BART ads make it look.     Remember that environmental issues are social issues #motherearth #motherocean A photo posted by Jessi… Read more »

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Biodegradable plastic doesn’t work

In sucky environmental news biodegradeble plastic is pretty much a sham. A study (actually funded by the folks utilizing the plastic) found that it just flat out doesn’t work. Hank Green and the SciShow crew explain the study.

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People’s Climate March NYC

100+ world leaders along with 400,000 people marched through NYC and 2646 solidarity events were held in 162 countries making the the Poeple’s Climate March the largest climate march in history. Learn more: http://peoplesclimate.org/

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The Difference Between Global Warming & Climate Change

Ever wonder what the difference between “global warming” and “climate change” is? The terms are used interchangeably, yet people interpret the terms in different ways. Trace breaks down what the difference is, and talks about how we perceive the terms differently. Read More: ‘Global Warming’ Scarier Than ‘Climate Change,’ Surveys Find http://www.livescience.com/45896-glob… “Americans are more… Read more »

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We Need To Fight

An excerpt from Bill McKibben’s 2011 PowerShift Speech calling EVERYONE to action on Climate Change. Learn more at 350.org

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Climate 101

Released 2 years ago and narrated by the ever favourite Bill Nye, this short explains the basics of climate change. This short was created for Al Gore’s Climate Reality Progress, and like many works assoicated with the Al Gore name received some backlash on the internet. In an effort to be unbiased, here is a… Read more »

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5 Human Impacts on the Environment: Crash Course Ecology #10

Videoblogger Hank Green gives the run down on the top five ways humans are negatively impacting the environment and having detrimental effects on the valuable ecosystem services which a healthy biosphere provides. Crash Course is an Webshow created to educate viewers on a variety of topics.