Ever wonder what the difference between “global warming” and “climate change” is? The terms are used interchangeably, yet people interpret the terms in different ways. Trace breaks down what the difference is, and talks about how we perceive the terms differently.
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‘Global Warming’ Scarier Than ‘Climate Change,’ Surveys Find
“Americans are more concerned about the changing planet when the words ‘global warming’ are used than when they hear ‘climate change,’ new research finds.”
Americans care deeply about ‘global warming’ – but not ‘climate change’
“Barack Obama, scientists and campaigners have all looked at how to engage Americans more powerfully on the environment. Now researchers have come up with one critical piece of advice: do say ‘global warming’, don’t say ‘climate change’.”
What’s In A Name? Global Warming vs Climate Change
“We found that the term ‘global warming’ is associated with greater public understanding, emotional engagement, and support for personal and national action than the term ‘climate change.'”
What’s In A Name?: Global Warming Versus Climate Change
What attracts people to violent movies?
“Why are audiences attracted to bloodshed, gore and violence? A recent study found that people are more likely to watch movies with gory scenes of violence if they felt there was meaning in confronting violent aspects of real life.”
Humans Crave Violence Just Like Sex
“New research on mice shows the brain processes aggressive behavior as it does other rewards.”
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